
#222 Smudgy McDonald’s Feet

Mommy with dirty feet, daughter with some shoeplay

8a2_xIn my disctrict there was a street festival with many people outside. The weather was bright and very warm and I was strolling around in hope to get some good shoeplay. When I got inside a McDonald’s to buy a coffee, I discovered dirty old flats from a chubby mommy.

daOk, the decision wasn’t hard. I stayed inside, looked for a good spot and started my cam. Almost all places were taken, but there was a free bar stool and I tried a tailor seat with my camera underneath, quite funny to watch :)

In such moments I often think about, how strange I may look to others, but as the restaurant was full, it didn’t matter at all.

The woman had hilariously sweaty and sticky feet. As I said, it was hot outside, she was barefoot and was wearing old worn flats. You can see the grease and lints at her soles, wonderful and arousing.

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She was dipping in her flats and did some nice toe play. Unfortunately she lifted one foot onto her seat after 5 minutes, but didn’t stop to play with the other foot.

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At this time I saw that one of her daughters was playing barefoot with her Birkenstock’s. It was quite dark in that corner under the table, but I left the good scenes in this clip for you.


In the end I went home with a solid 8 minutes clip of nice barefoot shoeplay and to answer a question someone asked me via mail: Yes, I was totally nervous :D

download the clip