Tag Archives: moccasins


#152 Licky Licky

Abracadabra me say Open Sesame Sorry for the title, mates, but Leila K. came to my mind when I rendered the clip of those gorgeous toes in black moccasins. Yeah, toes, right. Dirty, sweaty and sticky toes fresh out of a pair of leather moccasins. Waving to you as they beg you to clean them […]


#91 Dirty Socks Show

A fortune This will happen when you won’t think about it. A rule for many things in life. I was walking around on my way to my home and buying some things, when I met a guy from my club where I am working regularly. We talked about photo cameras, nothing special. But then I […]


#75 Office Pantyhose

After work dangling This sales woman or office clerk seemed to rest after her work, at least she had proper clothes on. What do girls then? Call their girlfriends, right. The young lady was sitting outside and drinking her coffee after work. While hanging on her mobile phone the whole time, she was dangling her […]


#58 Dangling In Your Face

Elegant sales women Everybody needs a rest from work. Three of those girls who sell elegant clothes, got to my table and started talking about vacation, pigeons and – clothes. I really like sitting outside drinking a cup of coffee and observing people around me. Sometimes other people share your table, this is common in […]


#16 Foreign Socks Attempt

Nice toes I want to lick at Some of you know the “foreign socks project” from fussphantasie.de – I walk along and ask girls if they give me their socks and nylons in exchange to new ones. At this day, Marion, a good friend of mine, and me were taking a rest at the Rhine […]