Teen girls airing their socks out at Burger King Oh dear. Had I known this before, I would have ordered a drink or two. It was a saturday afternoon, I was in the center of my town when it suddenly started to rain quite heavily.
Never say never to locker rooms! Six years ago I did a so called “once in a lifetime” project and honestly I thought and told everyone that I won’t ever do this again. But here we are… It was a warm summer night, I was sitting at the Rhine river and thought of the Gym […]
Dangling and dipping in boots is rare, but in summer it is double rare! I remember a guy who had asked me if I own any boots dangling stuff. In general I have almost everything you can imagine but in this case I had to say no. Until now.
Hunting down the sandals again You know, I have a strange passion for those rude teen girls, especially when they are wearing sneaker socks in sandals. This time I was hooked by pinkish socks with fluffy Bench sandals.
After 4 long years of drought I’m back in the stores! If there is one thing I’ve missed in Covid times the most, then it is strolling around in shoe stores and hunting for girls trying on new shoes, get a glance of dirty and sweaty socks and the bare feet.