No foot title
No nylon headline
I’m just kidding, mates. My head is filled with cotton wool and my nose is hurting, glad I can see through my eyes again. Late November and everyone around me is sneezing and snorting. I couldn’t even smell those gorgeous feet in the clip if I had the chance to.
So, what’s here? A beautiful dark haired woman was sitting with a friend outside. Drinking bla coffee, eating bla bla ice cream and so on Indeed, she was really pretty, look at the picture.
The woman was dressed in black, wore black leather flats and in contrast to that she had tan coloured nylons at her feet. I like.
I was sitting right next to her, so I took the chance and captured with two cameras at once. One cam on the ground, one in my hand. And then a pretty waitress came and asked me what I’d like to drink… With a cam in my hand. She didn’t notice.
The woman in the clip did a good shoeplay show with wiggling and dipping in her shoes. She lost her flats a few times and I had the possibility to film the nylon stiches in macro style.
A funny thing is that there was a fly at her heel one time. Saw it afterwards while cutting the video and this always gives me a smile, because, flies, you know. They like smelly things.
The whole show is 11 minutes, enjoy mates!