Sweet bare toes
A young girl is showing off her pretty feet in her Birkenstocks.
Long time the Birkenstock shoes were old-fashioned in Germany. They had a bad reputation and you saw them most probably at greenie’s feet, if at all. This changed about two years ago and more and more younger and pretty girls discovered them again.
It was a trend from USA and from the Netherlands and it swapped over to our country. Birkenstocks got pretty, sometimes sequined and with stylish colours.
This very pretty girl had white standard Birkenstock Gizeh at her feet. Her toes were painted with purple nail polish and in general she was wearing a summer outfit with black shorts and a t-shirt.
Obviously there was not much shoeplay, as this is the kind of shoe which you can’t play with. The left foot was resting in the shoe all the time, while the right one was free.
The girl was waving to the camera with her toes, so that we can see her light dirty bare soles. She was wiggling her feet most of the time while resting one foot onto the other.
The soles of the Birkenstocks had a dark imprint of the foot’s sweat, so they must have been worn for a longer time before. I like this very much to be honest, as I’m the smelling type of guy
Enjoy this 7 minutes clip of a very pretty girl with nice bare feet and sweet toes.