
#74 Two Days, Same Girl

Irresistible feet

It is rather unusual that I see girls a second time, but in this case I was so damn lucky, because this young girl had some very yummy feet

a2I suppose she was about 18yrs old. Waiting for the bus at a highly busy place. First day her mum and a little brother were with her, on the second day she had two little sisters nearby.

fsThe girl was a gypsy or such, I really don’t know. I couldn’t determine her language, but this wasn’t much important for me. She had multicolored flats on both days, one pair totally trashed, the other pair rather flashy. Barefoot, no socks or nylons.

Most interesting was her gorgeous foot activity while waiting for the bus for sure.

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On day one she does many heelpops, squeezed her toes inside her flats and was shaking her heels. Man, I wished to see her toes so hard, but no. I had to wait until day two :)

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I couldn’t believe it, really, but she had some of my most liked toes ever. A long second toe with red nail polish on, so sexy. On day two she rubbed her toes at the sole of her flats and that’s enough. Can’t watch it until the end…

Enjoy 12 minutes of this wonderful young girl. Maybe I get the chance to capture her again, we will see.

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