
#133 Dirty Pink Socks

The most wonderful sock play for my lonely island

or let’s say: One way how to probably lose your driving license instantly…

gaMan, I got killed. Almost. Let me tell the story: I was on my way back home in my car, music was loud, had to stop at a crosswalk, stared outside to my left – and saw this girl with her wonderful pink socks rubbing her dirty toes at the chair.

iImagine the situation: A crowded main street, hundreds of people, no chance to park your car. I considered to leave it alone in the middle of the street, but that was no option obviously, so I drove straight on into a one-way road the wrong way and parked right on a sidewalk. I ignored the beefing people and started my cam while running to the girl.

But hell, there was hardly any space with a safety distance, so I had to sit at the corner of a parking lot right beside the main street, with the girl and the cars one meter away. I was shivering and oh boy, my only thoughts were “Socks”. Nothing else. People? Ignore. Cars? Ignore. Lose my license? Ignore. Socks? Yes :D

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The girl had old trashed wooden clogs with a cow fur finish lying in front. Her socks were so unbelievably worn and dirty. And pink. I love pink. And dirty socks.


She was curling her toes so beautifully, crunching them, rubbing her socks and her toes at the metal pole of her chair, waving her feet right into my camera.

6These were minutes of pure heaven for me and I wished this would have never stopped. Goose bumps.

After a while she started to play with her clogs. She moved them around a bit, stampered the wood onto the ground, crossed her ankles, rubbed her feet in and out and showed us her toes again, waving  into the cam as they want to say “We are heeere!”

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Then, after 19+ minutes clip running time, the girl left. And I was deeply satisfied. If I had to choose a clip for a lonely island, I’d take #33 for the nylon heaven. If you ask me which socks clip I like the most: This one, so it got the #133 now.

download the clip