Tag Archives: dangling


#213 Double Dangling

You wanted those shoes, now you’ll get them twice This year is a Birkenstock year. In Germany they are the most worn shoes these days. A bit unlucky for me, because I’m not a great fan of these, but ok, you decide! I spotted these very pretty two young girls outside sitting on a bench.


#205 Birkenstock Dangling FTW

Happy new year, dear foot mates! So, it has been a long time since the last clip. Thank you all for your messages and mails during that time, I hope you had a merry christmas and a good turn of the year. And no, my websites aren’t going to die, as someone in the shoutbox […]


#204 Yummy Nylons

No foot title No nylon headline I’m just kidding, mates. My head is filled with cotton wool and my nose is hurting, glad I can see through my eyes again. Late November and everyone around me is sneezing and snorting. I couldn’t even smell those gorgeous feet in the clip if I had the chance […]